From Determining Doctrine:
Hugh Nibley, Archaeology
and Our Religion:
illustrates better than archaeology the inadequacy of human knowledge at any
given time. It is not that archaeology
is less reliable than other disciplines, but simply that its unreliability is
more demonstrable. Meteorology (to show
what we mean) is quite as “scientific” as geology and far more so than
archaeology—actually it makes more use of scientific instruments, computers,
and higher mathematics than those disciplines need to. Yet we laugh at the weather man every other
day; we are not overawed by his impressive paraphernalia, because we can check
up on him any time we feel like it: he makes his learned pronouncements—and
then it rains or it doesn’t rain. If we
could check up on the geologist or archaeologist as easily when he tells us
with perfect confidence what has happened and what will happen in the remotest
ages, what would the result be?
Actually, in the one field in which the wisdom of geology can be
controlled, the finding of oil, it is calculated that the experts are proven
right only about 10% of the time. Now if
a man is wrong ninety percent of the time when he is glorying in the complete
mastery of his specialty, how far should we trust the same man when he takes to
pontification on the Mysteries? No
scientific conclusion is to be trusted without testing—to the extent to which
exact sciences are exact they are also experimental sciences; it is in the
laboratory that the oracle must be consulted.
But the archaeologist is denied access to the oracle, for him there is
no neat and definitive demonstration, he is doomed to plod along, everlastingly
protesting and fumbling, through a laborious, often rancorous, running debate
that never ends.
Hugh Nibley:
What could
be of greater importance in discussing Archaeology and Our Religion than the
indisputable fact that archaeology has been used and is being used as a tool
against Our Religion? Or the equally
indisputable fact that archaeology is by no means the precision tool that some
people think it is?...
It is
certainly not irrelevant in articles on science and religion to point out that
Lamarck and Darwin diligently searched out what they felt were weaknesses in
the Bible and attacked them unsparingly.
And why shouldn’t they? And why
shouldn’t we at the present time note that their attacks were largely
unjustified on purely factual grounds?
there is an enormous accumulation of factual information refuting the claims of
the evolutionists, or at least casting serious doubts upon them. Maybe the stuff is no good, but we will never
find out by forbidding all mention of it.
We may put the age-old controversy…in the form of a dialogue:
Why do you undermine the faith of these young
To make them think! To get them out of the grooves!
But there are millions of things to think
about. Why do you always emphasize the
same half-dozen shop-worn commonplaces?
Because they are true! Truth at any price! All things must yield to the facts.
Bully for you!
I could not agree more. And here
are some facts to which I would like to call to your attention. Let us tell them to the students, and then
they will think harder than ever.
No, No!
You can’t do that! That will
merely make trouble.
But you said truth at any price—that includes
the price of much trouble.
I see no point to undermining scientific
reputations; these things are agreed on by many important scientists—it would
be foolish to question them.
But isn’t that exactly how science has made
progress in the past? Who is in a groove
And so
on. Speaking of grooves, Lowell and
Schiaparelli were great and devoted scientists in their day, easily the top
experts in the world on the planet Mars.
As a boy I thought they were wonderful.
And yet today their life’s work has been effectively wiped out by a few
photographs. Well, what’s the loss? Science moves on, and I am not too badly
broken up about my heroes. But what if I
had followed them to the point of rejecting the Gospel—the point of no
return? I used to spend long hours
listening to old Dr. Larkin talking about the wonders of astronomy and the
absurdities of “ancient Jewish mythology.”
Today his astronomy sounds pathetically old-fashioned—he was wrong on
almost everything—and ancient Jewish “mythology” has received a new lease on
life. What if I had become his disciple
to the point of rejecting religion, as he often urged me to? THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THE
unscathed. …
The idea
that there are men of such vast knowledge that even to have them admit to
membership in the Church is a source of consolation and pride to the rest of us
is amusingly Victorian but also rather offensive with its assumption of
Olympian superiority; the tone of the series is definitely patronizing. Brigham Young had the proper words for those
intellectual Mormons who generously offered to place their great minds at the
disposal of the Church and make the Gospel intellectually respectable: “O puss, what a long tail you have got!”…
A common
pitfall in reconstructions of the past is the illusion that if one had
explained by a proper scientific method how a thing COULD have happened, one
has explained how it actually DID happen.
The best scientists are guilty of this very unscientific thinking. We are allowed to say, “This is how it MAY
have happened”, but never, “This is how it DID happen.” There are always unknown factors…. It is easy and pleasant to show off by
talking about the subject one is presently working on, but to put it in the
category of eternal truth is inexcusable….
The evolutionary hypothesis from the beginning had this merit; its
proponents boldly set forth certain propositions, confidently predicting the
outcome of certain experiments. Many of
these experiments were carried out, with results diametrically opposed to those
predicted. What did the experts do? Did they apologize for their
presumption? Did they admit that there
might be a flaw in the hypothesis? Not a
bit of it! With the greatest of ease
they contrived new interpretations of the data that proved that the outcome of
the experiments, though it was the reverse of what was predicted, proved the
validity of the original hypothesis instead of refuting it. Such men can’t lose. The same thing happened in archaeology, which
failed to consider “the essential discontinuity of historical phenomena” in its
zeal for establishing easy evolutionary patterns….
A common
scientific error is to assume that if one’s conclusions are based on facts,
then what one concludes must also be a fact.
That it can never be. The fossil
or plant or spectrum photo that I hold in my hand may be called a fact—it is an
immediate concrete experience. But my
interpretation of it is NOT a fact and never can be. A model is 100% the product of imagination,
and it is quite incorrect to call such a model as Evolution a fact….
discipline in the university has its own model of things, and every model
represents at least a century of hard work and huge accumulations of data. We are NOT free to brush any model aside
simply because it does not conform with certain aspects of our own model. It is perhaps to be expected that the people
least sure of their own models are the most impatient of other people; and that
those who have the most rickety models of all (they never can agree on such
things as mountain-building and rock production) are the touchiest of all,
rejecting out-of-hand all models that do not conform to their own far more
closely than their own conform to each other.
In the place of solid evidence these harassed souls introduce a vigorous
polemic with a great deal of emphasis on status and prestige—they need a
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